The Coming (End of A Chapter, Start of A New) – Alyssa Gutierrez

“Can you believe how long it’s been?”

This phrase has become one of the most retold inside jokes within this musical’s high-spirited cast, not only because it’s part of one of the numbers, but also because it’s almost time.  It’s almost showtime, and it’s almost time to say goodbye.  This thought keeps recurring over and over in my mind as rehearsals move along, committing to memory the different moments this lively and open-handed group of people had shared within the past eight months.  Who would have thought the once individuals who had auditioned for a show to help the unfortunate would become a family?  I certainly did not.  To be honest, I never thought I would connect to these people.  If in my everyday life, saying hi to an acquaintance is already difficult for me, how much more is communicating with a cast filled with complete strangers? (For lack of better wording, you could say I’m socially anxious.  Socially awkward is an understatement.)  For probably three months into the project, I was still hiding in corner, but when the fourth month came along, I started to socialize with the wide age-ranged cast.  I shared my personal stories and they did the same thing.  Little by little, the chemistry started to develop, and we carried it into our performance.  It is very true what they say about having God in relationships: He will bless it Himself if you put Him in between. 


And now, as we are heading into the last four weeks before the production sets off, mixed emotions are in the air: excitement and anticipation in seeing the product of the hard work over the nine months, but dismay in the fact that Sundays will lose the familiar chitter chatter and extra laughter. Then again, as I said, there are four more weeks left.  That’s enough time to cherish every moment in the remaining pages of this chapter.


So for now, Happy Valentine’s Day, beloved cast of Right Here, Write Now!


Maria/ Alyssa        


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